Gwen may be petite but she has a huge voice.
She has been with us since 2011 and is our second longest member.
Katie has always loved music, even when in the womb according to her mum.
She has sung with various groups over the years and loves a bit of folk as well as all the classic pop tunes.
Paul is our longest serving member and has been playing guitar since he was 16.
He’s also responsible for creating all the arrangements.
He’s played piano for forty something years, including concert and big band.
There is a rumour he also plays Fiddle ?

Ed’s first instrument is the recorder, he even teaches it! Turns out that there are so many types of recorder its crazy.
For Totico he ups his game with the Trumpet and a few of its derivatives.

Bill is Totico’s grandad. He’s played Sax (Tenor and Bari) for longer than some of us have been alive!
He loves his Jazz too, but we don’t hold that against him
Andy has been playing bass for, well, ever. He’s played in many bands before joining us.
He loves that slap and pop sound 🙂
Doug – Drums
Doug has been playing the drums since his teens and loves everything to do with percussion and rhythm.
Alan – Sound
Alan has been doing sound for us since the start. If we do anything wrong guess who’ll point it out 🙂
Mac – Lights & IT & Everything Else
Mac runs all our lighting, projection and IT equipment. If its not done by someone above its done by Mac.

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